We are Solution Provider of OSS ERP and Distributor of OSS ERP

We can support business challenges of your company Quickly and at Low cost by using open source ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning system).
Open source ERP can support business challenges of your company Quickly.

OSS ERP iDempiere that is core of our solutions has many utility tools and useful functions to develop business applications. So, We can support business challenges of your company Quickly.
Open source ERP can support business challenges of you company at Low cost.

JPiere is “Japan + iDempiere". And JPiere is Plugins of iDempiere for Japan and iDempiere Distribution for Japan.
JPiere provides not only Japanese business practice, but also various functions. So, everyone in the world can use JPiere.
iDempiere and JPiere are Free to use. So, we can support business challenges of your company at low cost.